Headshot for George DuMontier

Hi, my name is

George DuMontier

I'm a web developer living in Columbia, MO.

I'm currently working for SuretyBonds.com creating modern web applications.

Web Projects

A WordPress site I built and maintain for an opthamologist's practice.

Precision Eye Care

A WordPress site I built and maintain for an opthalmology office.

Screengrab of Ferguson Firsthand, a 3D journalism project I contributed to.

Ferguson Firsthand

A 3d telling of Michael Brown's story inside Unity. I created interactive slideshows for the project's web version.

A screengrab of Firestone and The Warlord, a journalistic interactive timeline.

Firestone and the Warlord

An interactive timeline showing the events that took place in Liberia between Firestone and Charles Taylor.

A screengrab of horoscope page.

Daily Horoscope

An app I built for my company's news apps to display the daily horoscope.

A screengrab of my table showing the medal count for the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Olympic Medal Count

A simple table showing the up to date medal count from the 2018 Winter Olympics. The data was updated from Wikipedia's API every 30 minutes.

A screengrab of a quiz app

Trivia Quiz

An example of of a trivia game for my company's news apps. I also made a script to quickly generate more quizzes from form data.

A screengrab for a Word Scramble game for my company's news apps.

Word Scramble

A word scramble game game I made for my company's news apps. I also made a script to generate more games from form data.

Web Experiments

A screengrab for an app that solves the NYT spelling bee game.

Spelling Bee Solver

An app I made that solves a game called Spelling Bee from the New York Times.

A screengrab of d3 map of speeding tickets in Missouri.

Missouri Speeding Tickets

An interactive map showing speeding tickets per county in Missouri. It's made with the D3 and leaflet javaScript libraries.

News Writing and Video

A screengrab of d3 map of speeding tickets in Missouri.


I cover national and international news for Meredith Corporation. You can see my latest writing samples on KMOV.com.

Contact Info



